Prescription Drug Rehab in Orange County, CA

A Safe Place To Start A New Journey.

Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has reported that nearly 52 million individuals throughout the United States ages 12 and older claimed to have used prescription opioids for non-medicinal reasons at one point or another during their lives. Many of these cases, unfortunately, resulted in the development of long-term opioid addiction. At New Leaf Detox & Treatment, we understand that no two individuals’ addiction is the same so we make sure to develop a personalized program that works for you.  Break free from your prescription drug addiction today and call to learn more about prescription drug rehab in Laguna Niguel, Orange County, CA.

Our Detox & Prescription Drug Rehab Facility

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What Is Prescription Drug Rehab?

Prescription drug addiction can happen to any and all age groups. The misuse of prescription drugs means taking these drugs without a proper prescription from a medical professional.  Since the early 90s, the number of prescription drugs for some medication has increased drastically. 

These prescription drugs include opioids, central nervous system (CNS) depressants, and stimulants.  They are becoming easily accessible to a lot of different age groups, especially young adults.  Fortunately, New Leaf Detox & Treatment has treatments that help get rid of prescription drug addiction.  

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Prescription Drug Rehab & Drug Abuse

It is easy not to realize the exact moment where the abused drug takes control and begins producing potentially life-threatening side-effects. Continuous recreational abuse of prescription painkillers can have various health care complications or psychological, mental illnesses along with the addictions to prescription medications.

Medication-assisted treatment options to ensure the patient’s safety during the alcohol and drug medical detox process, followed by intensive behavioral and medication therapies and support groups, are vital to restoring an addict’s healthy well-being. Certified drug rehab treatment programs offered at New Leaf treatment center in San Juan Capistrano are qualified and proven to provide patients with the best suitable treatment approach necessary to help with the condition of their substance use disorder.

Prescription Drug Rehab: Dangerous Medications

Despite being FDA approved medications, prescription drugs can be very dangerous if not used as directed by your describing healthcare provider.  Industry professionals have used research and experience to identify the three types of prescription medications that experts learned they should keep tabs on more closely. Below are the different categories of prescription drugs. 

It may come to no surprise that the medication options in this category have the reputation of stimulating or boosting brain activity. That speedy activity is because of the sudden release of specific chemicals in the brain. These chemicals are responsible for the brain’s ability to recognize reward, maintain attention, or sustain focus.

It is safe to assume that this class of medications would make the user feel fidgety and anxious, but individuals who struggle with a mental health condition tend to have an unexpected response to these medications. These people specifically spend most of their days feeling uncomfortable amounts of nervousness and worry, but can suddenly feel significantly more attentive and focused when they take a prescribed stimulant. 

They are incredibly desirable to individuals because of the ability it provides to get things done. Oftentimes, tasks can be accomplished that had previously felt never to have had the ability to finish them. Studies have shown that specifically, people with mental health conditions who benefit from being prescribed a type of stimulant medication rarely have issues such as an addiction occurs. 

A couple of the most common stimulant medication that are prescribed today include:

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This category of medications is primarily meant to treat moderate to severe amounts of pain. Despite some beliefs, opioid painkillers do not fight infections, reduce inflammation, or provide real physical changes that make the user permanently feel better.  Instead, opioid medications work by tricking the user’s body into ignoring any pain and discomfort symptoms.  This trick takes place when the drugs work its magic and alter certain chemical levels in the brain.

Typically, boosts of dopamine are released in the brain when something rewarding or favorable. Opioids communicate with the brain to promptly release large amounts of dopamine so that the user can begin feeling happy, comfortable, and at ease even though a large amount of pain is present.

 The most common sign that shows an addiction to opioid medications is that the user will be seen consistently taking more than instructed. It s not uncommon for opioid addictions to damage the user’s health and is the culprit of many deaths across the United States each year. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, there were approximately 14,800 deaths due to an overdose of prescription opioids in just 2008 alone.

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A couple of commonly prescribed and often seen abused opioid medications include:

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Prescription Drug Rehab: Depressants

Drugs that specifically belong to the depressants category are made and prescribed to slow down certain operations of a person’s brain. Psychology Today has explained that this class of medications is practical because of the ability to adjust the brain neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA.

Certain medications that are part of the depressant’s family are more often abused.  A user may combine them with another harmful substances such as alcohol or cocaine. Unfortunately, in these circumstances where depressants are used in different combinations; the user’s breathing can slow to dangerously low rates and oftentimes provide fatal outcomes.

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An often-overlooked factor of this category of prescription drugs is that when people attempt to stop taking these medications, moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms and side-effects will likely be experienced which can produce a profound amount of unease and discomfort. It is because of these life-threatening effects that individuals who are suffering from an addiction to depressant-type substances are greatly encouraged to engage themselves in a medically-assisted detox program where their safety and well-being can be closely monitored by doctors and other healthcare professionals. 

How New Leaf Prescription Drug Rehab Can Help

Certified alcohol and drug addiction recovery programs for prescription medications like those offered at New Leaf often combine the appropriate medication therapy with necessary behavioral therapies to combat the addiction, which means that when you choose to participate in these programs, the opportunity of working together with therapists to understand and identify the root causes of the abuse habits and also how to keep it from coming back at a later date.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy to various family therapy options allows patients to practice what they learn and strengthen their new skills to leave the program prepared to face the tough challenges that occur nearly every day out in the real world.