Psychotherapy in Orange County, CA

A Safe Place To Start A New Journey.

Psychotherapy for Substance Use Disorders

Psychotherapy is an effective form of treatment for those who suffer from psychological and emotional issues. At New Leaf Detox & Treatment, we offer different psychotherapies, or talk therapies, for patients who suffer from a substance use disorder (SUD). Often SUDs will cause emotional or psychological issues. Mental illnesses can also be the cause of a SUD; either way, it needs to be addressed to recover successfully.

Our San Juan Capistrano addiction treatment center uses psychotherapy to increase the chances of long-term sobriety. Through therapeutic practices, you will be taught healthy and productive life skills and coping strategies that can be used in triggering situations of environments.

Our Detox & Rehab Facility in Orange County

Psychotherapy in San Juan Capistrano | New Leaf Detox & Treatment

Psychotherapy is a way of treating people who have experienced, or have been diagnosed with, mental illness. A psychologist, therapist, or some other type of mental health professional will work with a patient over time; during this process, patients will discover more about their feelings, emotions, thoughts, and moods. It is essential to understand how these influence certain behaviors and choices that led to addiction.

Psychotherapy sessions will be able to teach patients how to identify negative (false) thoughts and emotions. Over time they will begin to change these false perceptions and implement healthy coping strategies into their daily lives. 

History of Psychotherapy

"The informed and intentional application of clinical methods and interpersonal stances derived from established psychological principles for the purpose of assisting people to modify their behaviors, cognitions, emotions, and/or other personal characteristics in directions the participants deem desirable."

In laymen’s terms, psychotherapy uses a psychological doctrine taught to individuals who use this knowledge to help others emotionally and psychologically.

Sigmund Freud is known as the founder of modern psychotherapy. Near the beginning of the 20th  century, he developed psychoanalysis, which was incorporated into several schools of therapy that were beginning to form. 

However, mentions of a type of “talking-cure” have been discovered as far back as ancient Greece. All this suggests that humanity has been using various methods of speech to cure emotional and mental issues.

Psychotherapy in San Juan Capistrano | New Leaf Detox & Treatment

Four Types of Psychotherapy

While there are several forms of psychotherapy, the four most commonly used therapies found in addiction treatment include:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on patients’ feelings and behavior. It combines two different therapeutic practices, cognitive and behavioral therapy. The therapist will guide the client to examine their thoughts and actions. Over time, patients will learn how to identify false ideas and beliefs and change them to a more positive way of thinking. CBT is used to treat many different types of mental health disorders, including depression and anxiety.

A form of CBT initially created to treat people who struggled with suicidal thoughts or had attempted to commit suicide. Today it is still used for those who are high-risks for suicide and those who have a borderline personality disorder. DBT highlights the relationship between the therapist and patient and is commonly used in a group therapy setting.

This type of therapy helps patients that struggle with social anxiety. They focus on the patient’s interactions and how they could be causing the psychological issues that led to substance abuse. Interpersonal therapy will help change how a patient interacts with people by teaching them skills in adapting to different situations. Thereby making the patient feel comfortable in previously uncomfortable circumstances. 

Focuses on the patient’s relationship with family and other loved ones. The family is encouraged to attend therapy sessions to improve the relationship between the family and the patient. Doing this has been proven to increase the chances of a successful recovery. During this time, the family will also learn more about the symptoms the patient experiences due to their substance use disorder or mental health disorder. The therapist will also be a type of mediator for the family and the patient and address any issues caused by the patient’s substance abuse or mental illness.

Psychotherapy in San Juan Capistrano | New Leaf Detox & Treatment

Benefits of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is beneficial for those who have a mental disorder and need help with managing their symptoms. It helps patients understand their condition and its effect on their emotions, feelings, and behaviors. At the same time, it teaches them how to modify negative thoughts and emotions. Thereby improving their behavior and preventing future relapses if they abused substances to self-medicate.

Talk Therapy and Addiction Recovery

There is a high chance of relapse even after a patient completes detox and they are no longer physically addicted. The mind will still crave the drugs or alcohol, and the underlying issues that could have been a factor in starting the addiction will still be present. 

All of these could contribute to a relapse. By implementing psychotherapy in the treatment program, patients will learn how to manage cravings and react to triggering situations in a healthy and productive way.

Addiction is different for everyone; it requires an individualized treatment plan for each patient. Other psychotherapies can be utilized to treat different types of substance use disorders and mental disorders. Over time both the specialized treatment plan and the therapies used can be adjusted as the patient progresses.

Psychotherapy is used in addiction rehab to bring attention to the reasons behind the patient’s addictive behavior.

Therapy is used to treat several types of addiction including:

Psychotherapy in San Juan Capistrano | New Leaf Detox & Treatment

Drug Addiction

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Prescription Drug Addiction

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Behavioral Addiction (i.e., Gambling)

Psychotherapy in San Juan Capistrano | New Leaf Detox & Treatment

Individual and Group Therapy

Two of the most popular forms of psychotherapy are individual counseling and group therapy. During rehab, patients will attend both individual counseling and group therapy. These sessions are invaluable as they teach various skills to remain sober once the patient has left rehab.

Individual therapy allows a patient to work one-on-one with a counselor and dive deeper into the reasons behind their past choices and what led to their addictive behaviors. Individual counseling also addresses any mental health issues or anxiety disorders the patient could have. A therapist can teach a patient how to manage their condition without falling back into drugs or alcohol. 

Group therapy allows the patient to have the support and guidance of others who have similar experiences to their own. Two or more therapists usually monitor the group; however, their role is minimal.

The patients in the group are encouraged to lead the conversation. Group therapy is a positive and effective method of building healthy relationships and learning appropriate social skills. It creates a non-judgmental and healing community that supports its member’s recovery process while providing the opportunity for those who have been in rehab longer to step into a leadership role.

Psychotherapy at New Leaf Detox & Treatment

Talk therapy has proven to be one of the most successful recovery methods, not only for mental illnesses but also for substance use disorders. At New Leaf Detox & Treatment, we provide various psychotherapy treatments. Each one is used to increase the chances of you having a successful recovery and achieving long-term sobriety.

Psychotherapy in San Juan Capistrano | New Leaf Detox & Treatment

Our San Juan Capistrano addiction treatment center only implements evidence-based practices into our programs. We are dedicated to providing you with the best care available. We believe that using these therapies will allow you to not only recover from your addiction but also learn how to live a healthier, happier, and productive life.  If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction or a mental disorder, contact us today. Our administrative team will begin the process of getting you the help you need.

Your insurance could cover up to 100% of the cost of treatment. Send us your information and receive a free verification of benefits. All submitted forms or phone calls are completely confidential.