
Trauma-Informed Care

A Safe Place To Start A New Journey.

Trauma-Informed Care | New Leaf Detox & Treatment
Trauma-Informed Care | New Leaf Detox & Treatment
Trauma-Informed Care | New Leaf Detox & Treatment

Trauma-Informed Care in Orange County, CA

At New Leaf Detox & Treatment, our goal is to create a healthy environment of healing and recovery that facilities growth for our patients.  With trauma-informed care, we recognize the patients’ history of trauma in their lives and we know how big of a role we play in their road to recovery.  With a client-focused philosophy, we are prepared to provide our services so that each and every patient can begin a healthier life free from mental illness.    

Trauma-Informed Care | New Leaf Detox & Treatment

What Is Trauma-Informed Care?

Trauma-Informed care focuses on the pervasive nature of trauma that the individual has faced in their life.  It is our job as medical professionals to let the individual talk to us rather then tell them they have a mental problem.  Trauma-informed care programs understand that the patient has been through a lot and as an organization we provide a healing and open environment.  This practice is known to improve engagement, treatment adherence, and health outcomes of the patient.  To learn more about trauma-informed care in San Juan Capistrano contact us today

Trauma & Addiction

We are each a totality of our experiences. The narratives of our lives are shaped by nature, nurture, and external forces beyond our control. If we are one of the fortunate few, our lives are a testament to our healthy genetics, perfect parental, familial, and communal support; and all the resources we needed to attain our goals. But more commonly, the reverse is true. Trauma, an event or circumstance, or a series of them, that harms or threatens a person emotionally or physically, and leaves lasting effects is a reality for the majority of Americans. 

trauma-informed care

According to the Center for Disease Control, an estimated 71% of adults in the general population have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lives, and up to 20 percent of these people go on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

An estimated 5 percent of American’s, more than 13 million people, have PTSD at any given time. 1 in 5 American women are victims of domestic violence, and 1 in 4 American children have experienced physical, emotional, or verbal abuse or witnessed trauma that harms or threatens them.

Given these staggering numbers, it is both inevitable and predictable that 75 percent of people suffering from addiction disorders experienced traumatic events in their lives.

The relationship between trauma and addiction has been the subject of many cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. A Kaiser Permanente study of 17,000 patients found that those who experienced at least four traumas in childhood were five times more likely to have an alcohol addiction, and 46 times more likely to use injected drugs. Veterans Administration studies have shown that 35 to 75 percent of traumatized vets abuse drugs and alcohol.

While resilient people may overcome trauma without clinical intervention, the majority of trauma survivors who have unresolved PTSD may suffer from a range of symptoms from mild to severe.

It is clear, from the large body of research, from the narratives of those who use and abuse drugs, and from addiction treatment case studies, that many trauma survivors use drugs to self-medicate – to suppress or sedate PTSD symptoms, or to stimulate disorders.

There is also some data to suggest that a side effect of substance abuse is trauma, that addicted individuals may put themselves in high-risk situations that result in trauma from violence, crime, abuse, and accidents.

trauma-informed care

New Leaf Detox & Treatment views the journey of addiction recovery and sobriety through a trauma-informed lens. We maintain that a holistic approach to recovery and sobriety can only be addressed through trauma-informed care. Our entire clinical and support staff are trained in trauma-informed care.

Once an individual commits and invests in their recovery, our team at New Leaf embraces the patient’s efforts and activates the goal of recovery and sobriety with trauma-informed sensitivity and care.

A primary clinician at New Leaf engages with the patient and does a number of evaluations and screenings, trauma included. Directed by the primary clinician, the patient begins detox with our without medication-assisted treatment. The patient begins cognitive-behavioral treatment with an individual therapist as well as in groups with a counselor to address the whole host of issues afflicting the patient, including unresolved trauma.

trauma-informed care

Specific treatment modalities tailored for the patient include educations groups, trauma-focused therapy groups, and process groups and activities.  The primary clinician and individual therapist and group counselor work in concert to treat the patient by resolving the underlying issues that led to addiction, followed by a variety of custom treatments that fortify the patient, clinical assessments throughout the process, and a considered discharge plan. 

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What We Can Offer You

"Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated."

New Leaf Detox & Treatment views the journey of addiction recovery and sobriety through a trauma-informed lens. We maintain that a holistic approach to recovery and sobriety can only be addressed through trauma-informed care. Our entire clinical and support staff are trained in trauma-informed care.

Once an individual commits and invests in their recovery, our team at New Leaf embraces the patient’s efforts and activates the goal of recovery and sobriety with trauma-informed sensitivity and care.

A primary clinician at New Leaf engages with the patient and does a number of evaluations and screenings including for trauma. Directed by the primary clinician, the patient begins detox with or without medication-assisted treatment.

The patient begins cognitive-behavioral treatment with an individual therapist as well as in groups with a counselor to address the whole host of issues afflicting the patient, including unresolved trauma.

Trauma-Informed Care | New Leaf Detox & Treatment

Specific treatment modalities tailored for the patient include educations groups, trauma-focused therapy groups, and process groups and activities. The primary clinician and individual therapist and group counselor work in concert to treat the patient by resolving the underlying issues that led to addiction, followed by a variety of custom treatments that fortify the patient, clinical assessments throughout the process, and a considered discharge plan. 

Learn more about our trauma-informed care team at New Leaf. 

Your insurance could cover up to 100% of the cost of treatment. Send us your information and receive a free verification of benefits. All submitted forms or phone calls are completely confidential.